Draw Your Line – Part 1


17 March 2012

Where do we draw our lines between personal life and professional life? What is the right amount of information to share with people?

I sometimes find it hard to balance the two.

Ever since Zuckerberg invented the Facebook, everybody I know must have an account. It was the “in’’ thing to have back in those years. Back in university days, when my worries were; am I passing those exams? When and where is the next house party? Is that guy single? Monsoon, Clarks, Laura Ashley & Body Shop (my favourite UK high street retail stores) are on sale!! Let’s make important phone calls to like-minded friends and let’s SHOP till we drop girls!? I must admit, I shared many things, on Facebook and I’m sure you do too. Try to reminisce the status updates you used to have those days. Bitter sweet memories isn’t it?

After 5 years, it is still an ‘’in’’ thing to have Facebook and I am sure it has been our virtual escapade to announce our existence, our philosophy of life, our whereabouts, relationship statuses, exam results, problems, personal/public issues, birthdays and every single thing that happens to us, to our family and friends daily. It seems like the only convenient way to keep in touch with our long-lost cousins, friends from another continents, and childhood friends and latest acquaintance friends.

Now many of us are young professionals, hold certain important roles in organisations. However peanut we earn, we truly feel important to the nation especially with the high heels shoes that we stomp on the floor at work every day. But, with Facebook existence, and its very much LIVE on our gadgets, is indeed tough to balance personal life and professional life especially in Malaysia. Let it be serving the government or private sector, the navy, the army force or in general; serving our bosses. With the never-ending reports, presentation and late nights either working from home or at the office, we tend to ‘’express’’ or ‘’explode’’ and share it on: Facebook!

I realised that, one may have a wonderful colleagues and superiors to look at up to at work; those who at anytime if in trouble at work they would assist until one manages the work again. (Not all the time of course!) But, that is it! Work related matters. No personal mushy stuff involves. BUT troubles hit when you add your colleagues from work onto your Facebook ‘’life’’. Every Monday would be the session of ‘’ohh that weekend, you went there? Aaww your girlfriend is so cute….aww you boyfriend is so handsome….awww you look like your mum….and many other aawwws’’

How do we draw a line to this? Facebook is personal, and work is professional. These two can’t collide! How ever much you love you boss you bound to have disagreements! C’est la vie! How do we deal with this? Delete our colleagues from Facebook? That would be too obvious. Make another Facebook just for colleagues? That’s just unnecessary.

Our colleagues and bosses may be the nicest human being on earth, but everyone must have their limits. I am sure we all carry a certain behaviour, and certain attitude at work.

So where do we draw the line?

About NHidayah Hassan

An Accountant by training, turned Fashion Entrepreneur. Runs her own fashion brands; clothing line; HiDY – hidy.com.my and shoe design & production house – CIPELA Shoes and Accessories – http://cipelashoes.com/ Obsessed with her nieces, nephews and shoes. In love with the idea of quality family time, work life balance. Enjoy reading on real estate development and management. Visiting factories and manufacturers is like tea party! Genuine world traveler and lover to art pieces. Talk food anytime, it’s always an icebreaker.

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